Basco and the Circular Economy: Repairing Instead of Replacing

Service d'installation de moustiquaires neufs.

In today's context, as the circular economy is growing in importance, searching for ways to reduce our environmental impact has become essential. The circular economy is an economic model that promotes the reuse of resources and encourages waste minimization. It offers innovative solutions that contribute to sustainable development. 

At Basco Windows & Doors, the circular economy principles have already been integrated into our business model. In fact, we concentrate all our efforts on restoring doors and windows rather than replacing them altogether. We believe this approach offers our customers many advantages. Firstly, in terms of cost and time, and secondly, by making a significant contribution in reducing our environmental footprint. 

This article explores in depth the importance of the circular economy, how we apply it at Basco Windows & Doors, and why we believe window repair is a great and responsible alternative that can benefit both you and the environment.


What is the Circular Economy?

The circular economy is an economic system that aims to reduce waste and maximize the reuse of resources (reduce, reuse and recycle), as opposed to the traditional linear economy model that aims to " extract, manufacture, use and discard ".

The circular economy is often presented as a solution to the problem of overconsumption of natural resources.

In a circular economy, the aim is to reduce, reuse, recycle and recover as much as possible. Here are a few examples of current practices:

• Designing products to last longer, repair more easily, or be easily dismantled and/or recycled. 

• Using renewable or recyclable materials when manufacturing new products.

• Encouraging consumers to reuse or recycle rather than throw away their products once they are no longer usable.

• Looking for ways to convert waste into renewable resources (for example: using food waste to produce energy).


How does Basco Integrate the Circular Economy into its Services?

Basco's window and door restoration service fits perfectly within the principle of the circular economy. Indeed, the restoration of windows and doors extends their lifespan and avoids the production of additional waste, as windows and doors are not being thrown away or replaced, but rather repaired and reused. 

Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, a window can have a lifespan of up to 100 years if it is properly repaired and/or maintained on a yearly basis. After 20 years, your windows may need to be rejuvenated. In most cases, all window components (thermal panes, parts, and mechanisms) can be repaired and/or replaced, regardless of their age. 

In fact, when a window frame is still in good condition, the window’s thermal panes (sealed unit) can easily be replaced. It's a much more economical and environmentally friendly solution than a complete replacement. Many people mistakenly believe that when their windows become fogged up or unsealed, their only option is to replace them altogether. What they don't realize is that it is possible to simply replace their window glazing. Fortunately, Basco is there to guide people in search of the best available ecological and economical alternatives.

In a circular economy, the aim is to encourage a "closed loop production process" by ensuring that resources remain in use for as long as possible. The repair of windows and doors contributes to this objective by encouraging people to avoid purchasing new windows, which in return helps preserve natural resources and reduce waste production.

By simply offering its restoration services, Basco Windows & Doors helps customers be more aware of the importance of reusing and repairing their windows and doors, thus encouraging sustainable behavior.


Favoring Repair Over Replacement


Basco Windows & Doors chose to offer restoration services instead of complete replacements for many important reasons:


Important savings for its customers: Repairing windows and doors is generally less expensive than replacing them entirely. This is an important advantage for many customers, especially if a window and/or door is lightly damaged, as it can then be restored at a reasonable cost.

Quicker than a replacement: Repairing windows and doors is generally quicker than a completely replacing them and it entails less disruptions for the customer and a faster delivery of their project.

Reduced environmental impact: By repairing rather than replacing, Basco Windows & Doors helps reduce the environmental impact of its business. Producing new doors and windows requires resources and energy and generates waste. In contrast, repairing an existing door and/or window saves these resources and minimizes waste production.

Learn more about the environmental impact of window replacement.

Commitment to sustainability: By prioritizing the repair of doors ands windows, Basco demonstrates its commitment to sustainable business practices. This can be attractive to customers who are themselves concerned about the environment and prefer to do business with companies that share their values.

Extending product life: By repairing windows and doors, Basco helps to extend product life, which is in line with the principles of the circular economy.


In short, the restoration of windows and doors is an approach that benefits both the customer and the environment, which is why Basco Windows & Doors encourages you to choose this great alternative.